Friday, December 30, 2011

New Years Eve 2012

So just a reminder to moms who are breastfeeding and drinking tomorrow nurse before you drink and then don't nurse again for 2-3 hours maybe even 4 ... also pumping and dumping does not help get the alcohol out faster .... when your alcohol blood levels are down then your Milk levels are down as well .. makes sense :]]

Reference one

reference two

reference three

So any ways .... where was i??

So my plans for new years eve are ...

My love and I and some of our friends are going to invest in a nice bottle of ta-kill-ya (tequila) and have a good time probably talk some politics and such ... but just to let everyone know ... i will be nursing Alisyn at or around 11pm and then she will be sleeping for 6 hours .... per her night time sleep schedule :]] i will however only be taking one shot and that will be when the clock strikes midnight! also if for some reason she wakes up and is still hungry ... i have plenty of frozen breast milk!! lol but even with only one shot id still be good to nurse but ... id rather wait it out to nurse :]]


Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Alisyn's 1st Christmas

Well let just say that Christmas this year was tons of work LOL Alisyn always seemed to be hungry! and i had to make 30 enchiladas and 20 empanadas! it was a juggling act to say the least but we did it .. only an hour past the start time LOL but we got er done and the food turned out AMAZING! we got some very awesome pictures taken and Alisyn got tons of toys and a cute outfit from the Boyles. It was such a wonderful family function and Alisyn was a little ham ♥ but thats ok with me because shes just so cute i don't think she can help it! Then we went to my moms where Alisyn got some more outfits from Grandma and from one of my nurses i used to work with :]] . She was ready for bed thats for sure! i slept for a good 6hours that night .. so all in all i think her first Christmas was a smashing success!

Our lil Fam Bam♥

Alisyn in her Christmas dress♥

Thursday, December 22, 2011

3weeks and a day♥

So Alisyn and I had an appt today .. and i had them weigh her because ive been very scared that shes not gaining weight due the the reflux .. and well she gained 1lbs!! in a week i might add :]] im super excited she is doing awesome ... her latch gets better by the day :]] thats it for now ... have a wonderful Christmas and a safe and wonderful New Year!

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Growth Spurt + Sore nipples = No GOOD!

So on Friday Alisyn decided she was going to have a growth spurt .. If you don't know what the entails let me tell ya about it ... She was nursing constantly .. the only time she wasn't on the boob was when she took short cat naps .. i had to hold my pee all day!! or at least until daddy came home. On Saturday is wasn't quiet as bad but she was still nursing every two hours ... for 30 mins to an hour ... and then she would take a cat nap and be ready to chow down some more! and today well shes doing a lot better eating every 3 hours again and sleeping in between feedings.

Sore Nipples ...

Ya can you say OUCH! my left has a terrible case of soreness(it is raw!) i tried using lanolin cream and ive tried expressed breast milk and i have even been walking around for the past two days with my shirt pulled all the way up! well today its a little bit better i hardly nurse her on my left side only when it is full do i let her do a full feeding(like leaking) on it and i can grin a bear it, i have discovered the wonderful side laying position of nursing where i can lay in bed lay Alisyn tummy to tummy and nurse her while i doze off! and let me tell ya it if wasn't for this position i would have never made it! its very easy to nurse in this position and it doesn't seem to hurt my left side as bad when i nurse in this position. i have a meeting with an LC on the 22nd to have her watch a feeding so she can tell me if Alisyn is latching good or not... i cant say she has a bad latch because my right which she has been nursing on for the most part the last 3 days is fine where as my left for the past 3 days has been sore :/ so i think it might mean sometimes its a good latch and sometimes its a bad latch or it could be my positioning and hers.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Two weeks and a day old ♥

Well Alisyn had her 2 week check up today and she gained 8 1/2oz! and she grew 1 1/2 inches! so she is now 7lbs 3oz and is 20 1/2inches long! im so relieved that she gain that much weight and even excited that she grew taller!

With her reflux which her doc put her on meds(the gripe water was not working for her)i was worried that she wasn't gaining weight but she is at about an oz a day is what the doc said. She had her second PKU test today , i felt so bad for her when they had to take her blood i wanted to cry because she was screaming bloody murder! After they were done and i picked her up she gave me this look like 'how could you let them hurt me mom" and well it ripped at my heart to say the least!

Alisyn's doc also brought up me not vaccinating her and when i told her were not going to and that the only shot she will get will be the Tetanus shot when she is 2+ years old, she didn't fight or argue with me she just said " well we've seen quite a bit of whooping cough so far this winter so just be careful if you take her out this winter" and that was the end of that ... very glad i didn't have to get into an argument with her because i really like her. :]]

Also just to let everyone know how my nursing is going

its going AMAZING! The first night i had to use the shield at night but after the first night i didn't need it at all, so now all i have to do is whip out my boob LOL ... and let me tell ya its so much easier then dealing with the shield! Sometimes she fights me but i figured out its because im to "full" and so its harder for her to latch on right, not sure how to fix that but im sure we'll figure something out :]]

P.S. if your really adamant about breastfeeding don't give up on your child and yourself ... because YOU CAN do it! look at all the trouble we had ... but we kept at it and over came the obstacles and look at us now! just remember YOU CAN YOU CAN!!!!!

Monday, December 12, 2011


So as i said in my last post Alisyn HAD nipple confusion!

I tried everything to beat it and WE finally did .... TONIGHT! We tried the SNS and well she wouldn't even attempt to latch ... so i reverted back to the nipple shield and she latched! and she was using the shield for about 4 or 5 days until tonight when out of the blue I tried to get her to latch without the shield and well it worked! it was at the end of a feeding so i didn't expect her to go long and well she went for about a minute or so and then she fell asleep. So next time she was hungry i tried right out of the gate without the shield and she did an entire feeding without the shield! and she just finished another feeding without the shield ... im stoked to say the least! I am however a little scared to see how she will be during the night without it ... My daughter is a quick learner , she is also very strong for a almost 2 week old baby... it makes mama and daddy proud ♥ .

Reflux and the battle wages on ....

So we went to a doc appt today to get Alisyn tested for reflux because to me it seemed like she was spitting up more then the norm, and well the doc who did the test said she did have reflux but the she would prob grow out of it and the as long as it wasn't projectile not to worry to much .. but worry i shall until i find out if she is gaining weight. I think she has gained some weight, she is a little poop machine! not to mention when she pees well she pees tons LOL. She has her 2 week check up on Thursday and i will post again to let everyone know hows she is doing.

P.S. i am using Mother Bliss Gripe Water to help with her reflux, it is only day 2 and not sure how its doing yet so i will keep everyone updated on that as well :]]

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Nipple confusion

WEll as i said my daughter has nipple confusion , with that being said her peds doc gave me and SNS and my friend is going to come help me with it tomorrow and she'll also be try to help with the latch. If she can help me well then im going to go to the hospital to get help from the LC, and hope that she can help because if my daughter wont/cant latch by the end of the week , then im moving on to plan B and that is eping(pumping) instead of having her at the boob, most people think this makes you dry up (there are many success stories of woman eping for a year or more!), well i cant speak yet but i have been getting about 3oz from each side per pumping session. so finner crossed she'll latch but if not i got this covered LOL.


Monday, December 5, 2011

6 days old ...

So alisyn is now six days old! she is wonderful! i am trying to correct nipple confusion ... as of now i am pumping away .. but let me tell ya its not the funnest thing to do! i hurts pretty bad when you have milk blisters and blocked duct :/ but i am making a SNS so i can finger feed her till she get the suck down then i will try the latch again ... wish me luck!Alisyn is such a good baby she is so strong! she rolled over when she was getting pictures taken on sat so she was only 4 days old then! it was crazy i couldnt believe she did it ... not to mention she also peed on everything (we were getting some naked pictures).... hmmmmm what else ... OH YEA she does this cute little face that makes me think of a turtle LOL its the cutest thing ever! she also sleeps very well during the night , im up every 2-3 hours to pump and she up when im done to eat and then we both go back to sleep :]] she loves to cuddle up with daddy! its one of the cutest things i have ever seen when i see the two loves of my life cuddling together♥ i will post again when i try out the SNS and let everyone know how its goes from there :]] as for now I LOVE MY LIFE AS A NEW MOMMY!

Alisyn 6 days old

My Fav Pic of her ... so far lol

Friday, December 2, 2011

A day at the spa turns into a stay at the hospital

A day at the spa ... 11/29/11

I went to a free spa day with my friend Chelsea, i got a 30 min chair massage and a 20 min dry hydrotherapy massage and then 15 mins in a "red light" bed ... and boy was i feeling relaxed! so when Chelsea and I finished with our spa day we went home and i started my caster oil regiment which was ... walking on a gazelle for 15 mins then taking a table spoon of caster oil then walking for 30 mins on the gazelle then taking a second tablespoon of caster oil then walking for another 30 mins .... i finished around 5ish and then i started feeling some contractions so i was super stoked to say the least that it might of taken , so i took a shower got dressed and headed over to Chelsea's place to help with dinner which was some yummy chicken noodle soup and grilled cheese (with real block cheese:]]) so we made dinner er should i say Chelsea did lol as she made dinner we heard the boys pull up(my love and Ryan) they had just gotten back from shooting all afternoon while us ladies had our spa day lol so they came in and we all ate then the boys went out side to hang Christmas lights while they climbed on the roof i go to the bathroom (im having some good contractions by then) and well i go back into the kitchen and sit at the bar and all i hear is this POP i don't know it if inside my head or not lol then i get this gush! and all i was thinking was why didn't this happen then i sitting on the toilet LOL ... so here i am yelling for Chelsea who had went outside and when she come back inside i tell her i need a towel and i need her to tell my love that my water broke ... so she goes and tells him and he thinks she is messing around so he takes his sweet time coming off the roof and when he comes inside he looks and me and i tell him and he still thinks im playing around! and i tell him it really broke and all he does is keeps asking me "are you sure it broke?" and i looked and him and said "yea im more then sure it broke!" so off i go my pants soaked and all to my house(i live next door pretty much so i walked there) and change clothes and im super stoked that it was really happening! so i get dressed and get my stuff together and off we go to the hospital ... my love asking me the whole way there are you sure it broke ... are you sure we need to go to the hospital?? and so on lol (i love him to death!) so we get to the hospital and get checked in and i changed into my own night gown and wait to be checked ....

The Hospital... 11/29/11

I got admitted to the hospital at 8ish and got checked and was told i was 3cm dilated and that i had some meconium which made me sad ... because its very common for that to happen if the baby is under stress :/ which made me feel bad ... but there was nothing i could do about it and i knew she would be out soon ... with that said we were waiting for our room to get cleaned and low and behold my mother in law and father in law show up bless their hearts! well so we then got transferred into my room and my sister was next to show up and one of the first things she asked me was if i was for the epidural... and i laughed and said no :]] i was just bouncing away on the birthing ball when my mom showed up..and then Sherri and Brianna showed up last ... then the contractions really started to kick in around 10ish and i was getting the tub ready for me and i was told i was 5 almost a 6 dilated so i then got in the tub and had my love play some jack johnson and i was relaxing and trying to as the nurse said make it through the peak which lasts about 30 seconds per contraction, the water was getting cold and i wanted to stretch out a little bit so i got out if the tub and got back on the birthing ball and got checked again around midnight and i was told i was a 7 almost an 8 dilated....

day 2 (after midnight now) 11/30/11

i was bouncing on the ball and my love was rubbing my back to try and help me ... by this time the pressure and contractions were overwhelming to say the least! i wasn't feeling the ball any more so i went for a stroll down the hallway (bad idea!) it seemed to make the contraction worse not better! so i had to stop quite a few time and im not going to lie i broke down and told my love i couldn't do it and that was when he told me i could and that i was doing amazing and that i was almost done.... so we turned a corner and he used the bathroom and i had a horrid contraction come on and as it was wearing off Brianna my niece came out of the waiting room and i looked at her and said dont you ever have kids bre! and then my love came out and we continued back to my room when we got there i wanted to get checked again around 1ish and was told i was 8 and thinned and i was going mad i tell you ... i wanted it to be over with so bad i kept telling my nurse i couldn't do it and she kept reassuring me that i could she told me that she did it with her kids and that i could do it because im that strong ... and so on it went .. the nurse had my raise the head of the bed and get on my knees and sway my hips which would help speed up labor and let me tell you it did but it hurt and i could not stand it! so i got on my side and held on to the rail and rocked my body back and fourth and then the nurse checked me again this was around 1:30is 1:45sih and said i was in transition and with that i saw the light but only for a second because before i could be optimistic i felt major pressure and a equally as bad contraction and i was screaming but not to much and i never once yelled at my love and i never once yelled at the nurses .. i wanted to really yell at myself for coming up with this idea that i could do this! at around 2 i had one the worse i have ever felt and i saw and heard my sis in law Sherri jump up from her chair and say she was going to get the nurse ... and i heard my love tell bre "go get your mom and tell her to calm down" well thank goodness she did go get the nurse because i was ready to push! and so the real fun began! they were telling me to keep my breathing calm and steady and i did i knew i didn't want to stress the baby out anymore and that i didn't want to pass out and by that time my doctor had came in and sat back in a chair and watched the proceeding ... he reminded me of like a king or something LOL well then it was time for him to get involved and i had to really start pushing so i could meet my baby girl .. so i was holding onto the rail and pushing with all my might!(dont ask if i pooped because i have no idea! and i don't care..) they told me then to turn on my side a push so there i was holding one leg up and pushing ... i can only image what i looked like LOL well i kept at it and i had some complications ... i was very small and the baby was having a hard time that's when my doc told me he was going to help me out and well he helped stretch me ... and it was not very gentle! but it help somewhat but not enough i still had to get a very small episiotomy but it was worth it because of the position i was in i was able to see my daughter come out of me and even my placenta! (big old meat bag! lol)they put my daughter on my belly and rubbed
her back to make her cry .. she took a min or so but she did it ... it was just very moist sounding :/ so they did weighed her and did all that stuff and told me to hold her before they took her to the nursery :/ i was very scared so i asked if my love could go with her and they let him .. she ended up having to be suctioned out and had to have oxygen blown on her face so she could breath right :/ i had to get two shots to clot my blood because i was loosing to much .. and then i had to lay there in bed a have them push on my stomach so my uterus would start to contract and to get all the blood clots out ... they then left me in my room for awhile and when they came back in to feel my stomach ..once they pushed on it it was like a dam breaking ... i just started gushing blood all over again :/ it soon slowed down and then stop besides the normal blood loss that occurs after pregnancy .. i didn't get to see my daughter till 5am that's almost 3 hours after i had her ... i went into the nursery and saw our daughter and i asked if i could hold her and they said no ... i started to cry because once again i felt like it did that to her :/ and i couldn't do anything to help her... so they took me back to my room and i laid in bed a cried and my love tried to comfort me but i was to upset to let what he was saying sink in ... so then around 7:30am i got told she could breath on her own and so i went to see her and i held her i then asked if i could nurse her and was told no once again because she had fluid in her lungs and they they think it could be TTN (where some of the meconium got into her lungs) or it could be a case of phenomena so she was NPO (nothing my mouth) until 12:30 pm when i saw her again and was told i could now nurse her ... she didn't latch on so i decided to pump everything i could because i knew she need what i had to offer more then ever if she was sick .. so i talked to the lactation lady adn had a pump sent to my room ... i was surprised to see how much i was pumping (at that time it was only a syringe full) so i would pump then i would take it to her to feed her with it and the rest i would have frozen until she was hungry again.... i asked if she could room in with me and they once again told me no ... so off i went feeling sad again! but i just kept pumping and thinking about her and praying for her ... around 4pm they came into my room and said she could now room in ... it was like my prayers were answered :]] she had an iv in her little arm it make me sad just thinking about it :/ but i was informed that her white blood cells were elevated and that only happens if she has an infection so they needed to start iv meds ... i was not happy about it but i figured they knew how to fix it better then i did this time ... so i said ok and she had to get iv meds for 48 hours ...

Day 2 12/01/11

she still wasn't latching on but i was pumping so much that i wasn't to worried about the latch i was just happy i could still feed her! i made a joke when my mom was visiting that i felt like a cow lol my love and my mom started cracking up :]] it was nice to hear laughter instead of my baby crying in pain from the poking and prodding from the nurses ... i had a nurse that night that would come in every time i would lay my Alisyn down and wake her up for her temp of b/p ... it was always something! so she would wake her up and have her screaming bloody murder! and it mad me so mad!!! and when i would finally get her calm and ready for bed here she would come again! ... around 4 o'clock she said she needed to fix alisyn's iv so i said OK and let her take her and i fell asleep and when i woke in a startle to find she still has not been returned at 5:30am i started pumping because i knew she would be hungry and then i went on the hunt! and i found her in the nursery the nurse said her o2 was to low and that she need oxygen ... but what i couldnt understand was how id all of a sudden dropped when i was with her night/day and it was fine ... so i picked her up and tried to feed her and she wouldn't wake up because she was so tired from them keeping her up all night! so i waited until the lab person showed up and took blood from her after she did that she was wake and crying i was happy that i could finally feed her but not happy how it went about ... then my daughters Peds Doc showed up and the nurse explain the o2 situation to her and the doc was just as confused as i was .. when the nurse left the doc reassured me that it was probably nothing ... i was with that answer :]]

The final day , day 3

Alisyn was cleared about the o2 and the xrays and she was fine no TTN or pneumonia :]] she was eating a ton and i was pumping more then enough for her needs :]] so we were golden! the peds doc came around noonish and said she was cleared to go after her iv antibiotics were finished ... and when they came in to do them i was super happy that we could go home soon and that she could have that damn iv removed! so it finished and she had to do her new born screening which she passed! and we were home free!

that is the gist of my 6 and a half hour L&D and our stay at the hospital :]]

** i had Alisyn Monroe Ritchie at 2:21am on 11/30/11 she weighed 6lbs 15 oz
i did it all natural no pain meds
and i firmly believe my L&D went so fast because i took EPO :]]