Alisyn is now 2yrs old
Her favorite color is Red
Her favorite shape is circle
Her favorite food is pancakes
Her favorite drink is water
Her favorite animal spider (pretty sure she means the itsy bitsy spider)
Her favorite song ziggy (anything by ziggy marley)
Her favorite movie frances: bedtime for frances
Her favorite TV show Caillou
Her favorite toy puzzle
Her favorite book her look and find (dora,elmo,dinosaur train)
Alisyn can sing the alphabet for the most part, she only misses 2-3 letter. I'd say that's pretty awesome for a 2 year old!She can also count to 12 and 20 if she repeats after us, she likes to count things, we encourage her as much we possible when it comes to learning new things. She loves loves loves her nursery rhymes, and Ziggy Marley, she will sing along to his songs in the car and it hasta be the cutest thing ever! She is a chatter box! I love having conversations with her, and her imagination grows everyday. Yesterday we talked about a dinosaur that smashed everything, he was mean and took alisyn toys, oh and he is the one who messes up her room LOL. She is so rambunctious at times, but then she can be so cuddly. I can tell already she is going to be an amazing little girl, she is so smart and catches on to things after the first time of doing them. Her memory is out of this world! I am proud and honored to be able to call myself her mother ♥