Saturday, July 28, 2012

First Family Trip!

We went on our first family trip to Vegas (for my birthday LOL)

Lets just say the drive is killer! Alisyn did pretty darn good for being in the car off and on for 11 hours there and 13 hours on the way back(we did a 2 hour detour).

She did AMAZING with all the site seeing we did as well. we got some great pictures of our little one! she got to get up close and personal with a big fish tank and she was so intrigued by the fish and the colors! She also had a blast when we saw the Sirens of Treasure Island the color the singing the cannons she was in love!

Alisyn's Recent Milestones:

She can pull herself up on EVERYTHING!
she can walk along the sides in her playpen ... she has yet to walk along the furniture
she says mama like nothing now i love it!
she can recognize herself in pictures
and she is trying to do the bear crawl

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Tons of milestones!

So Alisyn has hit tons of mile stones since ive last updated this blog

she has :

Learned how to crawl, how to sit up by herself,learned how to say dada and she said mama for the FIRST time last night ..when she was mad at daddy LOL, she has learned how to pull herself up on EVERYTHING! she is a pro when it comes to BLW now she can chew food with her two teeth♥ she can make gosh knows how many different sounds(i love all of them!), not a milestone .. BUT her hair is getting longer and its turning redder!

on a sad note .. her eyes are no longer blue :/ they are a hazel color with a blue ring around them .. still beautiful eyes but i loved the blue!

Yesterday was our first 4th as a family and we saw a total of 3 fireworks shows, she LOVED the colors, the bangs from the fireworks didnt bother her one bit :]] , she did however invent a new game to where she sit and screams for the fun of it .. and when you look at her she gets the biggest grin on her face!

she weighs a total of 16.2 pounds and she is now 7 months and 5 days♥