Wednesday, September 5, 2012

9 month check up

So Alisyn hasn't gained any weight since her last check up she has grown though she is now 27 1/2 inches long! She is right on track when it comes to her milestones.

Alisyn now has 4 teeth! .. and let me tell you when she bites while nursing it is not cool!

So i started to sleep train Alisyn and kinda didn't follow through since she was teething ... but the last two nights she has slept from 9pm-4am and then she nurses and wakes up again at 6 am going to try and take away the 4am feeding since she also wants to nurse at 6am. im super happy that she removed the 2am wake up call by herself! Also her naps are no longer short 30-45 minute now they are 1 1/2 to 2 hour naps! (this means i get a nap as well! lol)

Alisyn walks along EVERYTHING! She also pulls herself up and can stand by herself for about 10 seconds! and if she holds onto our fingers she can walk pretty darn good! i cant wait till she starts walking and talking more! just need to get a few more baby gates before it happens lol